Dale Anson
2017-03-17 21:05:49 UTC
** [plugin-central-submission:#1025] JavaSideKick 4.0**
**Status:** open
**Group:** None
**Created:** Fri Mar 17, 2017 09:05 PM UTC by Dale Anson
**Last Updated:** Fri Mar 17, 2017 09:05 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
{{{ JavaSideKick 4.0
Source: Source code is in SVN with the tag javasidekick-4-0-0
Announcement: New parser that fully supports Java 8 code.
Requires Java 1.7.0
Requires jEdit
Required plugins:
Antlr 4.5.1 (antlr.AntlrPlugin)
Classpath 1.0.1 (classpath.ClasspathPlugin)
Common Controls 1.7.4 (CommonControlsPlugin)
EclipseIcons 1.0 (eclipseicons.EclipseIconsPlugin)
ErrorList 2.3 (errorlist.ErrorListPlugin)
SideKick 1.8 (sidekick.SideKickPlugin)
Optional plugins:
SuperAbbrevs 2.0 (SuperAbbrevsPlugin)
Short Description: SideKick to browse java, javacc, and property files.
Long Description: <html>
JavaSideKick offers Java-related services to other plugins, as well as
completion, insert missing imports. </p>
<p>The JavaSideKick plug-in provides a highly customizable tool for navigating
through Java source code. Using Sidekick, you can see a tree view for the
hierarchy of classes, interfaces, and methods for the file in the current
buffer. In addition, attributes, extends, implements and method exception
information can be displayed.
In addition to java files, JavaSideKick also handles javacc files (.jj and .jjt)
and java property files.
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** [plugin-central-submission:#1025] JavaSideKick 4.0**
**Status:** open
**Group:** None
**Created:** Fri Mar 17, 2017 09:05 PM UTC by Dale Anson
**Last Updated:** Fri Mar 17, 2017 09:05 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
{{{ JavaSideKick 4.0
Source: Source code is in SVN with the tag javasidekick-4-0-0
Announcement: New parser that fully supports Java 8 code.
Requires Java 1.7.0
Requires jEdit
Required plugins:
Antlr 4.5.1 (antlr.AntlrPlugin)
Classpath 1.0.1 (classpath.ClasspathPlugin)
Common Controls 1.7.4 (CommonControlsPlugin)
EclipseIcons 1.0 (eclipseicons.EclipseIconsPlugin)
ErrorList 2.3 (errorlist.ErrorListPlugin)
SideKick 1.8 (sidekick.SideKickPlugin)
Optional plugins:
SuperAbbrevs 2.0 (SuperAbbrevsPlugin)
Short Description: SideKick to browse java, javacc, and property files.
Long Description: <html>
JavaSideKick offers Java-related services to other plugins, as well as
completion, insert missing imports. </p>
<p>The JavaSideKick plug-in provides a highly customizable tool for navigating
through Java source code. Using Sidekick, you can see a tree view for the
hierarchy of classes, interfaces, and methods for the file in the current
buffer. In addition, attributes, extends, implements and method exception
information can be displayed.
In addition to java files, JavaSideKick also handles javacc files (.jj and .jjt)
and java property files.
Sent from sourceforge.net because jedit-***@lists.sourceforge.net is subscribed to https://sourceforge.net/p/jedit/plugin-central-submission/
To unsubscribe from further messages, a project admin can change settings at https://sourceforge.net/p/jedit/admin/plugin-central-submission/options. Or, if this is a mailing list, you can unsubscribe from the mailing list.