[ jEdit-devel ] [jedit:plugin-central-submission] #1028 ShortcutDisplay 1.3.2
Jeffrey Hoyt
2017-04-27 01:38:08 UTC

** [plugin-central-submission:#1028] ShortcutDisplay 1.3.2**

**Status:** open
**Group:** None
**Created:** Thu Apr 27, 2017 01:38 AM UTC by Jeffrey Hoyt
**Last Updated:** Thu Apr 27, 2017 01:38 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

{{{ ShortcutDisplay 1.3.2
Source: Source code is in SVN with the tag release-1.3.2
Announcement: Updated to reflect jEdit 5.4 code changes
Requires Java 1.8
Requires jEdit

Short Description: This plugin causes a pop up to be displayed whenever the user presses a shortcut prefix.

Long Description: This plugin causes a pop up to be displayed whenever the user presses a shortcut prefix. The pop up contains all the possible completions and the name of the action. The idea here is to help us mortals learn more of the built-in functionality jEdit has, or to make use of more of them even when we don't remember the keyboard shortcuts.


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2017-06-01 07:16:13 UTC
- **status**: open --> closed-accepted
- **assigned_to**: Townsfolk


** [plugin-central-submission:#1028] ShortcutDisplay 1.3.2**

**Status:** closed-accepted
**Group:** None
**Created:** Thu Apr 27, 2017 01:38 AM UTC by Jeffrey Hoyt
**Last Updated:** Thu Apr 27, 2017 01:38 AM UTC
**Owner:** Townsfolk

{{{ ShortcutDisplay 1.3.2
Source: Source code is in SVN with the tag release-1.3.2
Announcement: Updated to reflect jEdit 5.4 code changes
Requires Java 1.8
Requires jEdit

Short Description: This plugin causes a pop up to be displayed whenever the user presses a shortcut prefix.

Long Description: This plugin causes a pop up to be displayed whenever the user presses a shortcut prefix. The pop up contains all the possible completions and the name of the action. The idea here is to help us mortals learn more of the built-in functionality jEdit has, or to make use of more of them even when we don't remember the keyboard shortcuts.


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