[ jEdit-devel ] [jedit:bugs] #3066 Printer properties option disabled
Dale Anson
2016-08-09 06:07:48 UTC
- **assigned_to**: Dale Anson
- **Group**: --> minor bug
- **Comment**:

I realize this is an old bug, but I wonder if the original submitter could list what printer properties are needed? I'm in the middle of reworking/updating the jEdit printing code, and am adding support for quite a few printer properties that the default, out-of-the-box printer dialog doesn't support.

I've done some research into this, and it's definitely a Sun/Oracle bug. From the Sun source code:

// REMIND: may want to notify the user why we're
// disabling the button

It's disabled because no one bothered to create a dialog for the button to show.


** [bugs:#3066] Printer properties option disabled**

**Status:** open
**Group:** minor bug
**Labels:** editor core
**Created:** Wed Apr 23, 2008 08:13 PM UTC by nick
**Last Updated:** Wed Apr 23, 2008 08:13 PM UTC
**Owner:** Dale Anson

version: 4.3pre13 using Java 1.5.0\_12
on Windows XP

The printer properties dialog box is disabled. I can select and print to any of the network printers here, but I can't adjust any properties.
4 hardware networked printers \(HP, Xerox, ...\)
2 soft local printers \(Primo PDF, MS XPS\)

Selecting other printers from the list does not change the button status.

I saw a similar bug listed from 2002 as a "Java" bug. If this is still the case - please suggest a program I might try to test & verify that is true.



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Robert Schwenn
2017-03-25 00:26:14 UTC
- **status**: open --> pending-invalid
- **Comment**:

I think, this is irrelevant now, since jEdit 5.4.0 has it's own print dialog, isn't it?


** [bugs:#3066] Printer properties option disabled**

**Status:** pending-invalid
**Group:** minor bug
**Labels:** editor core
**Created:** Wed Apr 23, 2008 08:13 PM UTC by nick
**Last Updated:** Tue Aug 09, 2016 06:07 AM UTC
**Owner:** Dale Anson

version: 4.3pre13 using Java 1.5.0\_12
on Windows XP

The printer properties dialog box is disabled. I can select and print to any of the network printers here, but I can't adjust any properties.
4 hardware networked printers \(HP, Xerox, ...\)
2 soft local printers \(Primo PDF, MS XPS\)

Selecting other printers from the list does not change the button status.

I saw a similar bug listed from 2002 as a "Java" bug. If this is still the case - please suggest a program I might try to test & verify that is true.



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